Ruthman Pumps & Service Keeps Dairy Operation Running Safely

RPS services pumps from all manufacturers

Our sister RPS division has been working on a long-term service project for Dairy Farmers of America, rehabbing a Pennsylvania dairy’s Gusher 7600 Series horizontal pumps. Working closely with distributor Anderson Industrial Machine, the pumps are brought to our full-service Cincinnati repair facility, where they are cleaned and any parts with cavitation damage are re-machined.

The pumps are re-assembled and reset to all factory tolerances and each pump is condition-point tested in our Dry Ridge, KY test tank to ensure performance accuracy. As these pumps are part of the system that ensures proper pasteurization, verifying performance under real-world conditions is critical. Pumps not running at the correct gpm and psi could compromise food safety.

Are your pumps running at their best? Contact Ruthman Pumps and Service to discuss your maintenance needs: 513.559.3546.

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